Monday, July 29, 2013

The New Start

Why has the time stopped,
 Or do I feel so,
 Everything was in such a rush a few moments ago,
 My breath was heavy and my heart beat was killing me,
And all I know is that,
My eyes are wide awake,
And all I can see,
Is people with watery eyes,
Something within me feel missing,
I just can't figure out what it is,
I feel myself moving up,
That could only mean ,
That I am flying,
Towards nothing ,
Which is pitch black,
I wander my eyes,
Here and there,
In hope of someone,
And then my eyes fall on something ,
My eyes take time to adjust,
And then I realize,
I am looking at a pair eyes,
With no particular body,
Its just shining,
Which  is the only thing I can  see up here,
I try walking towards him,
But I feel something stopping me,
Then I realize that he was the one,
I had heard about ,
That he was the one everyone feared about.
I sense my self walking towards him ,
But then something goes wrong,
I loose control and start falling down,
From where I had come,
I reach ground with a thud,
I hear the sobs again,
And then the truth hits me,
That I am no more alive,
On the world of greed,
And it was time that I bid them a good bye ,
Because the goal of mine had been  achieved ,
Because the  role l of mine had been played,
And my time now is with him in his world,
I wonder what it would be like,
I wonder what I will play over there
I wonder what I would do after my role has been played over there.
I just stare at the walls with a grin on my face,
Wondering about the happiness of death,
With the time now gone ,
I wait for a new start .


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